dry mouth

Is Dry Mouth A Real Problem, And What Are Its Symptoms?

The problem of dry mouth is either subjective, with the feeling of dryness, or an objective reduction of saliva in the mouth. It is frequently caused when the salivary glands in your mouth fail to produce enough saliva to continue the process of a moist mouth. Dry mouth is a severe issue, and it might be a clear sign of severe disease complications; consult a dental practice in Fort Myers for a detailed analysis of your problem. 

What certainly causes sudden dry mouth?

Dry mouth is undoubtedly an everyday issue for all of us, especially when it happens for a short period. For instance, dehydration can cause it, and the feeling of nervousness can also lead to a dry mouth. However, it can become a problem when dry mouth occurs all the time, and the issue does not just go away; it can be a clear sign of some underlying issue; here are some common factors that might lead to dry mouth:


The intake of medicated drugs or some over-the-counter medications can lead to dry mouth, resulting in a side effect. Some of the common medicines are antihistamines, decongestants, diuretics, antidepressants, and pain medications. 

Cancer therapy

Chemotherapy medication can affect the variety of saliva and the amount of saliva produced. Radiation treatments that are done to the head and neck can of the person can cause damage to salivary glands, reducing the amount of saliva production.

Nerve damage

Accidents that damage the nerves in the neck and head area can cause dry mouth problems in the resultant area. 

Health conditions

Diabetes, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, yeast infection in the mouth, or autoimmune diseases like Sjogren’s syndrome can be common causes of dry mouth.

Tobacco and alcohol consumption 

Chewing or smoking tobacco and the consumption of alcohol can increase the risk of dry mouth in a person.

Recreational Drug Use

The use of Methamphetamine may lead to severe dry mouth issues and deteriorating the teeth, a problem also known as meth mouth; Marijuana can also cause dry mouth issues.

Do you experience any of these symptoms?

dry mouth

Xerostomia, commonly known as dry mouth, occurs when the salivary glands in your mouth are not able to produce enough saliva to keep your mouth moist and hydrated. Some of the common symptoms are the feeling of a sticky and dry texture in the mouth, cracked lips, dryness of the tongue, chewing, swallowing, tasting, or speaking problems, and facial swelling.

It also affects your oral health because of the accumulation of unhealthy bacteria, fungi, and viruses in the mouth due to the less production of saliva by your salivary gland. These viruses and bacteria eventually will gather and multiply themselves, which will lead to gum problems, bad breath, a burning sensation in the mouth, frequent mouth sores, and cavities in the teeth. 

These symptoms are the most common ones and must not be ignored since they can cause substantially more problems, including gum cancer or loss of a tooth. Ignoring any situation is not the solution. See a dentist if you are constantly experiencing these symptoms, and the best home remedy would be to stay hydrated. Also, avoid the type of food that might lead to more bacteria or viruses to grow.  In these ways, dry mouth can be avoided, and it will enhance your overall health and quality of life.  

What can be the possible cure?

Treatment depends solely on the cause of dry mouth. Some of the treatments and strategies are:

  • Saliva Stimulants: Sugar-free gum or candies can stimulate saliva flow.
  • Saliva Substitutes: Over-the-counter saliva mouthwashes and medications that are certainly designed to keep your mouth moist and fresh are helpful.
  • Home Remedies: Sip water or sugar-free drinks often. Do not skip mouthwash.