Comprehending the Difference Between Cash and Accrual Accounting

In Seattle City, where individuals are infusing their efforts into making their businesses blossom, they also know the significance of accounting and finance. However, there are two ways of managing the cash flow and accounts: cash and accrual accounting. Both ways are for the same purpose, and that is operating accounts, but they still have some distinctions. 

Hence, you must make sure to apprehend their merits and demerits so that you can determine which method is better for your business. As a resident of Seattle, consider seeking help from an accountant in Seattle.

Cash accounting

Cash accounting refers to controlling the line of your checkbook. This means that all the transactions and payments will be documented when they are settled physically. Therefore, you can get a corrected review of your cash flow along with all the recent payments and transactions. 


  • Simplicity 

After comprehending the cash accounting method, you must be mindful of the fact that this process is explicit. You will not have to face any intricacies regarding your financial situation. In addition, this method is suitable for small business owners.

  • Cash flow

The cash accounting method focuses more on the actual cash flow. Hence, you will get a live review of the cash availability you have. Therefore, you can quickly determine instant plans for your business.


  • Limited insights

One of the demerits of cash accounting is limited insights. Hence, you will not be able to track the profit of your business if you only have access to the amount that is paid physically.

  • Inaccurate future plans

With the only record of cash payments, you will not be able to make accurate long-term planning since you may have to face financial obligations.

Accrual accounting

Accrual accounting is quite the opposite of cash accounting since, in accrual accounting, you can correspond the revenue and expenses when the payment is incurred. This will help in controlling the financial conditions of the business with more accuracy.


In Accrual accounting, you can get a clear profit representation since it corresponds to the expenses and gains of the payments and transactions when they are incurred. In addition, you will also be able to plot for a long-term investment without facing any deficits.


Accrual accounting is not for everyone to implement since many individuals with no accounting background may find some issues in understanding the process. In addition, you will not be able to have an actual reflection on your cash flow. Hence, you will be facing complications regarding liquidity.

Therefore, when evaluating both cash and accrual accounting processes, make sure you decide on the best option for your business and consider seeking professional assistance from your accountant.