Do you really need a team license for Adobe Products?
Adobe has been offering team licenses for most of its products, and now you do have Creative Cloud for Teams, along with the regular Creative Cloud for Individuals. The question is whether do you actually need a team license, if it helps in any way and if you should consider getting one instead of multiple individual licenses.
It all comes down to your business
When we talk about team licenses, the thing you need to realize is that a team license is always going to matter if you have a very large business. You pay less than what you would have to pay individually and there are also team benefits attached to that. The membership is not associated with a person, so if someone is stepping away from your business, the person replacing them will just take their current team license and that will make things easier.
Transferring a team license is very easy to do and it certainly adds a lot of value. Not only that, but when you have a large team, you always want to focus on streamlining these processes and making them as cohesive as they can be. Which is exactly why a team license for Adobe products can help save a significant amount of time.
It can also be customized to however many people you want within your business. The idea is, you have a single license per company, and not per user. There is a licensing program that will be fully customizable, and that alone adds a lot of value because you can adjust and implement everything without any hassle.
It includes workgroup collaboration tools
The idea of having extra workgroup collaboration tools as a part of the team license also helps, because it gives you those features that you really need and it helps implement great value thanks to that. You always want to ensure that your team has access to all the features they need, and in this case that’s exactly what you are getting.
Thanks to the workgroup tools, you can improve communication and the way your team works, which can prove to be extremely valuable in a situation like this. All you need is to avail the opportunity and you will find it to work extremely well. That’s exactly what makes it one of the best options to think about.
Lots of storage
Adobe Team plans have received an upgrade when it comes to storage too, initially the storage per user was 100 GB, but now it’s 1 TB per user. That’s obviously a massive upgrade and it goes to show the exceptional value and incredible quality you can receive from something like this. We are firm believers that having such a license can be an exceptional asset for your business, and it will eliminate a lot of potential downsides. You can store projects, work on them and transfer data with ease, while still innovating and creating the way you want.
Longer document history
It’s also a good idea to note that Adobe Team plans also have a much longer version history kept in the cloud. Normally, this was around 30 days but now it was extended up to 180 days. And that’s exactly why you have to give this a shot, because it actively helps provide you with the benefits that you need. You can go up to 5-6 months keeping different versions of your work in the cloud and that’s a gamechanger. It just gives the necessary tools you need to ensure everything is ok and you don’t have to worry about randomly losing any data. For companies, that’s a huge deal.
Sessions with experts
The Team plans also offer 1 on 1 sessions with experts where you can talk with them and pick their brain about certain features or ask for assistance. That’s not going to be possible when it comes to a regular license, but on a Team license is can indeed be a possibility. It makes a huge difference, while still giving you the features and upgrades that you may need. At the end of the day, these features can be eye-opening, and they will bring your team the assistance that would be hard to find otherwise.
Sure, if you have a small business, an individual license might be ideal. But if you have a team of creatives, going for the Adobe Teams licenses is the better options. Aside from comprehensive support specific to teams, you also have discounts, access to different Stock plans and deployment. It helps provide an exceptional value for money, and you will be impressed with the service quality and efficiency. If you are planning to buy Adobe software online in India, then it is worth considering dolphincomputer.co.in, as they are authorised Adobe resellers and have 20+ years of experience in the IT domain.
That’s why we think it’s a solid option to consider, especially from a business standpoint. You can get the job done, and you can deliver a great result every step of the way!