How to Remove Subterranean Termites from Your Home – Aardwolf PestKare


If you’re like most homeowners, you know that termites are a problem. They’re sneaky little buggers, and they love to make your home their new headquarters. If you don’t remove them soon, they’ll have a field day! And if you do remove them, it’s important to do it carefully so that the termites don’t damage any of your valuable belongings. Here’s how to remove subterranean termites from your home in just a few easy steps.

What is a Subterranean Termite?

A subterranean termite, also known as a termite or black stucco termite, is a small, flat-bodied invertebrate found beneath the earth’s surface. Termites are one of the most common pests in homes and businesses and can cause significant damage to property.

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How do subterranean termites get into your home?

Termites can enter through any opening that is accessible to them – from cracks in the foundation to the seams between floors and walls. They may also travel up through drains and under pipes, or crawl through ventilation shafts and tunnels underground.

How do subterranean termites reproduce?

Termites reproduce via a process called oviposition (fertilization by eggs). Oviposition takes place during the late summer and early fall when females lay their eggs on the bark of trees or other woody structures near their burrows. During fertilization, the female termite sucks nutrients from the male Termite seed inside her body. After hatching her young, she leaves her pupae on top of the woody structure where she laid her eggs.

How to Remove Subterranean Termites From Home

If you live in an area where subterranean termites are a problem, you may consider using an exterminator to remove them. This is because an exterminator can remove the termites from the home more efficiently than other methods.

Remove subterranean termites using a method other than an exterminator if you:

  1. a) Do not have access to an exterminationist; or
  2. b) Do not have the time or resources to remove the termites by yourself.

There are several ways to remove subterranean termites without using an exterminationist. One option is to use a vacuum cleaner and bucket strategy: fill a bucket with water and place the vacuum cleaner at the bottom of the bucket, waiting until the Termite climbs up onto the filter housing; then Drain all of the water from the bucket and place it back on top of your home. Another option is to use a bait gun: Shoot small pieces of bait into areas known to be inhabited by termites and watch for termite movement. As long as you keep track of where each piece of bait went, you should be able to finally remove all of them successfully by hand!

Removing subterranean termites from home can be a difficult task, but with the right methods and techniques, it can be done successfully. If you want the best termite removal service available you can also go for the subterranean termites’ control by Aardwolf.